Proof-oriented Programming in F*


Nik Swamy

Microsoft Research

Goldman Sachs Seminar, March 10, 2021

Towards High-assurance Software

Through Code Analysis (1)


Through Code Analysis (2)


Through Code Analysis (3)


Full-scale Program Proofs

  • Mathematical specifications of correctness and security
  • Machine-checked proof that the code does not deviate from the spec
  • Foundational: Against a formal machine model
  • Integrated: Single theorem covering all the code


What is F*?

  • Functional programming language with effects

    • like OCaml, F#, Haskell,
    • F* extracted to OCaml or F# by default
    • Subset of F* compiled to efficient C code and to Wasm
  • Semi-automated program verifier using automated theorem proving

    • like Dafny, FramaC, Why3,
  • With an expressive core language based on dependent type theory

    • like Coq, Lean, Agda, Idris,
  • A metaprogramming and tactic framework for interactive proof and user-defined automation

    • like Coq, Isabelle, Lean, PVS, etc.
  • And many foundational program logics for embedded DSLs

    • Many variants of Hoare logic for sequential programs
    • Concurrent separation logic, for concurrent and distributed programs
    • Relational Hoare logic, for program equivalence and security proofs

A first taste

  • Write code in a syntax similar to OCaml, F#, Standard ML:

    let rec factorial n =
      if n = 0 then 1
      else n * factorial (n - 1)
  • Give it a specification, claiming that factorial is a total function from non-negative to positive integers.

    val factorial: n:int{n >= 0} -> Tot (i:int{i >= 1})
  • Ask F* to check it

    fstar factorial.fst
    Verified module: Factorial
    All verification conditions discharged successfully

The F* Landscape


Program Proofs in F* for Billions of Unsuspecting Users





Microsoft Research, Inria Paris, CMU, MIT, Rosario, …


  • many former members, interns, external contributors, you?

The rest of this lecture


  • The functional core of F*

  • Several style of proof illustrated on simple functional programs

  • Encoding effects: Simple verified stateful programming

  • Advanced stuff: A taste of what is possible

Basic types

  • Informal mental model: Types as sets of values

  • The empty type: It has no values

    type empty =
  • The singleton: It has exactly 1 value

    type unit = ()
  • Boolean: It has exactly 2 values

    type bool = true | false

The functional core of F*

  • Recursive functions

    let rec factorial (n:int) : int =
        if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1))
  • Inductive datatypes (immutable) and pattern matching

    type list (a:Type) =
      | []     (* Nil  *) : list a
      | _ :: _ (* Cons *) : hd:a -> tl:list a -> list a
    let rec map (f: a -> b) (x:list a) : list b =
      match x with
      | [] -> []
      | hd :: tl -> f hd :: map f tl
  • Lambdas (unnamed, first-class functions)

    map (fun x -> x + 42) [1;2;3] ~> [43;44;45]

Refinement types

type nat = x:int{x>=0}
  • Informal mental model: A type describes a set of values

    let empty = x:int { false } //one type for the empty set
    let zero = x:int{ x = 0 } //the type containing one element `0`
    let pos = x:int { x > 0 } //the positive numbers
    let neg = x:int { x < 0 } //the negative numbers
    let even = x:int { x % 2 = 0 } //the even numbers
    let odd = x:int { x % 2 = 1 } //the odd numbers
    let prime = x:nat { forall n. x % n = 0 ==> n = 1 || n = x } //prime numbers
  • Refinements introduced by type annotations (code unchanged)

    let rec factorial (n:nat) : nat = if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1))
  • Logical obligations discharged by SMT (simplified)

    n >= 0, n <> 0 |= n - 1 >= 0
    n >= 0, n <> 0, factorial (n - 1) >= 0 |= n * (factorial (n - 1)) >= 0
  • Refinements eliminated by subtyping: nat<:int

    let i : int = factorial 42
    let f : x:nat{x>0} -> int = factorial

Dependent types

  • Dependent function types ($\Pi$), here together with refinements:

    val incr : x:int -> y:int{x < y}
    let incr x = x + 1
  • Can express pre- and post- conditions of pure functions

    val incr : x:int -> y:int{y = x + 1}
  • Exercise: Can you find other types for incr?

Total functions in F*

  • The F* functions we saw so far were all total

  • Tot effect (default) = no side-effects, terminates on all inputs

    val factorial : nat -> Tot nat
    let rec factorial n = (if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1)))
  • Quiz: How about giving this weak type to factorial?

    val factorial : int -> Tot int
  let rec factorial n = (if n = 0 then 1 else n * (factorial (n - 1)))
  Subtyping check failed; expected type (x:int{x << n}); got type int

factorial (-1) loops! (int type in F* is unbounded)

Semantic termination checking

  • based on well-founded ordering on expressions (<<)
    • naturals related by < (negative integers unrelated)
    • inductives related by subterm ordering
    • lex tuples %[a;b;c] with lexicographic ordering
  • order constraints discharged by the SMT solver
  • arbitrary total expression as decreases metric
    val ackermann: m:nat -> n:nat -> Tot nat (decreases %[m;n])
    let rec ackermann m n =
      if m=0 then n + 1
      else if n = 0 then ackermann (m - 1) 1
      else ackermann (m - 1) (ackermann m (n - 1))
  • default metric is lex ordering of all (non-function) args
    val ackermann: m:nat -> n:nat -> Tot nat

Types are specifications; Total functions are proofs; Recursion is induction

let rec length (xs:list a) : nat =
  match xs with
  | [] -> 0
  | _::tl -> 1 + length tl

let rec append (xs ys : list a) : list a =
  match xs with
  | [] -> ys
  | x :: xs' -> x :: append xs' ys
  • Prove that the length of append is the sum of the lengths of its arguments
    let rec append_length (xs ys : list a) : Lemma (length (append xs ys) = length xs + length ys)
        = match xs with
          | [] -> ()
          | x :: xs' -> append_length xs' ys
    • Proof by induction on xs
      • Base case, xs=[] is easy: append [] ys = ys /\ length [] = 0
      • Step: Use IH by calling function recursively on smaller arguments
      • Sugar: Lemma p = u:unit { p } `

More Lemmas

let snoc l h = l @ [h]

let rec reverse (l:list a) : list a =
  match l with
  | [] -> []
  | hd::tl -> snoc (reverse tl) hd
let rec rev_snoc (l:list a) (h:a)
  : Lemma (reverse (snoc l h) == h::reverse l)
  = match l with
    | [] -> ()
    | hd::tl -> rev_snoc tl h
let rec rev_involutive (l:list a)
  : Lemma (reverse (reverse l) == l)
  = match l with
    | [] -> ()
    | hd::tl -> rev_involutive tl; rev_snoc (reverse tl) hd

Proof of a program: QUICKSORT

let rec quicksort (f:total_order a) (l:list a)
  : Tot (m:list a{sorted f m /\ is_permutation l m})
        (decreases (length l))
  = match l with
    | [] -> []
    | pivot::tl ->
      let hi, lo = partition (f pivot) tl in
      let m = quicksort f lo @ pivot :: quicksort f hi in
      permutation_app_lemma pivot tl (quicksort f lo) (quicksort f hi);
let permutation_app_lemma (hd:a) (tl:list a)
                          (l1:list a) (l2:list a)
   : Lemma (requires (is_permutation tl (l1 @ l2)))
           (ensures (is_permutation (hd::tl) (l1 @ (hd::l2))))

Beyond refinements: Indexed types

  • Length-indexed vectors

    type vec a : nat -> Type =
      | Nil : vec a 0
      | Cons : hd:a -> tl:vec a n -> vec a (n + 1)
    let rec append (v1:vec a n) (v2:vec a m)
      : vec a (n + m) =
      match v1 with
      | Nil -> v2
      | Cons hd tl -> Cons hd (append tl v2)
  • Red-Black Trees

    type rbtree a : nat -> color -> Type =
    | Leaf : rbnode a 1 Black
    | R    : left:rbnode a h Black -> value:a -> right:rbnode a h Black -> rbnode a h Red
    | B    : left:rbnode a h cl -> value:a -> right:rbnode a h cr -> rbnode a (h+1) Black
  • Concurrent computations indexed by separation logic specs

    type m : a:Type -> p:slprop -> q:(a -> slprop) -> Type =
     | Ret: post:post_t st a -> x:a -> m st a (post x) post
     | Bind: ...
     | Act: ...
     | Frame: ...
     | Par: ...

Values and Computations

  • “Values” aka unconditionally total terms

  • Two classes of types

    • Value types (t): int, list int,
    • Computation types (C): conditionally pure, divergent, stateful,
  • Dependent function types of the form: x:t -> C

    • F* is call-by-value
    • argument can't have side-effects, so value type
  • Two forms of refinement types

    • Refined value types: x:t{p}
    • Refined computation types:
      • Stateful computations that can read and write the heap: ST t pre post

The divergence effect (Dv)

  • Some useful code really is not always terminating, e.g., an interpreter for a Turing complete language

    let rec eval (e:exp) : Dv exp =
      match e with
      | App (Lam x e1) e2 -> eval (subst x e2 e1)
      | App e1 e2 -> eval (App (eval e1) e2)
      | Lam x e1 -> Lam x (eval e1)
      | _ -> e
    (* (\x. x x) (\x. x x) *)
    let main = eval (App (Lam 0 (App (Var 0) (Var 0)))
                         (Lam 0 (App (Var 0) (Var 0))))
  let rec server () =
    let x = get_request () in
    fork (handle x);

F* effect system encapsulates effectful code

  • Pure code cannot call potentially divergent code

  • Only pure code can appear in specifications

    val eval : expr -> Dv expr
        type tau = e:expr{e = eval e'}
    Expected a pure expression; got an expression ... with effect "DIV"
  • Sub-effecting: Tot t <: Dv t
    (e.g. divergent code can include pure code)

    val subst : list (var * expr) -> expr -> Tot expr
    eval (subst [x, Num 0] e) : Dv expr

Verifying potentially divergent programs

(partial correctness)

  • Using refinement types
    val factorial : nat -> Dv nat
  • Or the Div computation type (pre- and post- conditions)
    let rec eval_closed (e:exp) : Div exp
      (requires closed e)
      (ensures fun e' -> Lam? e' /\ closed e')
    = match e with
      | App e1 e2 -> let Lam e1' = eval_closed e1 in
                     below_subst_beta 0 e1' e2;
                     eval_closed (subst (sub_beta e2) e1')
      | Lam e1 -> Lam e1
  • Dv just an abbreviation
    Dv t = Div t (requires True) (ensures (fun _ -> True))

Monadic effects in F*

type st (a:Type) = heap -> Tot (a * heap)
new_effect {
 STATE : a:Type -> Effect
 with repr = st;
      return = fun (a:Type) (x:a) (h:heap) -> x, h;
      bind = fun (a b:Type) (f:st a) (g:a -> st b) (h:heap) ->
             let z, h' = f h in g z h';
      get = fun () (h:heap) -> h,h;
      put = fun (h:heap) _ -> (),h
  • this monadic definition is the model F* uses to verify stateful code
    • It is an executable model, and you can choose to run your programs in the model
  • But, state can be primitively implemented under the hood if you like
    • for instance by C stack+heap

General approach to effectful programming

  • Program libraries to model effects

  • Derive effectful actions for primitive operations

    • read, write, alloc, throw, catch, fork, join, etc.
  • Write programs against these models and verify them with refined computation types

  • Extract them to OCaml, F#, C, Wasm, Java? with primitive effects

  • F*:

    let incr (r:ref int) : ST unit
        (ensures fun h0 _ h1 -> modifies {r} h0 h1 /\ h1.[r] = h0.[r] + 1)
        = r := !r + 1


    let incr (r:ref int) : unit = r := !r + 1


    void incr (int *r) { *r = *r + 1; }


Reusable Verified Artifacts

F* as a Verification Backend

  • But, you need to work quite hard to tune the verifier to

    • Get predictable and fast proofs
    • Translate failed verifications back to the user
  • Encoding Java in F*, not likely to be easy

    • Identify a small fragment of Java
    • Or consider going the other direction: generate Java from verified F*, e.g., via Scala?

Resources to learn more about F*